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Un-BELIZE-Able: Farewell

The Anonymous Hungry Hippopotamus

I woke up early on my last day in Belize to watch the sunrise from my hotel room.

It just so happened that my final day in Belize coincided with their annual Carnival. Carnival always begins with J'Ouvert, originating from the French "jour ouvert" meaning daybreak. This video shows some of the J'Ouvert festivities that began at sunrise.

Philip SW Goldson Statue

I took a quick city tour before brunch.

Belizean Water Taxi

The Swing Bridge

And then went to Celebrity Restaurant and Bar to enjoy my last meal in Belize.

For brunch I decided upon a traditional Belizean breakfast of eggs, refried beans and fry jacks.

Before I knew it, it was time to bid farewell to Belize. This country is truly one of the most hospitable and beautiful places I have visited. I will definitely be back.



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