I developed a love of reading later in life. Despite exposure to many great books in high school and beyond, I found reading tedious and boring until well into adulthood. Now, I read voraciously, sometimes many books at once. I'm grateful for this new passion. Better late than never.

I love a great book and a glass of wine on a Saturday afternoon. I decided I would give this one a re-read since I did not appreciate it when it was part of a school reading requirement. Below are others that I recently finished and highly recommend.

This novel takes place during World War II, where the paths of two individuals collide in occupied France, in the most unexpected way. All The Light We Cannot see was deeply moving and beautifully written.

After reading The Remains of the Day years ago, I couldn't help being curious about this novel by Kazuo Ishiguro. I read the description however, and decided that it wasn't for me. A novel about artificial intelligence starring a robot named Klara? Not in my comfort zone. But then, growth is all about pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, right? I am so glad I did because I really enjoyed this book. It is surprising in the most pleasing ways. I found beauty around every corner.

Though fiction usually wins out, I try to strike an even balance in my reading repertoire between non-fiction and fiction.

I was deeply inspired by Daring Greatly, so I decided to give this one a read. This book really challenged and dismantled ingrained ideas I held about strength, and developed my leadership skills. Brown advises leaders to "[c]hoose courage over comfort. Choose whole hearts over armor. And choose the great adventure of being brave and afraid. At the exact same time”

Grief, loss, disappointment, betrayal, heartache, healing, resilience, forgiveness, hope, joy - this has been a year of walking (and sometimes crawling) through all of these. Lysa Terkeurst brings you alongside her in a vulnerable and welcoming way, as she navigates through all of these emotions and more.